Today's topic is beauty. In the US Beauty is outpacing the rest of retail. We forecast US Cosmetic and beauty sales to grow 10% this year, more than three times the broader retail market's 3% growth rate. In the US Cosmetic and beauty e-commerce sales growth will outpace overall US Cosmetics and beauty sales at 13% for e-commerce versus ten overall. So we have beauty growing faster than the rest of retail and beauty e-commerce growing faster than the rest of beauty. Why is beauty and specifically beauty e-commerce doing so much better than the rest of retail? Sky.
今日のトピックは美容です。米国では、美容が他の小売業を凌駕しています。今年、米国の化粧品・美容品売上は10%成長し、小売市場全体の成長率3%の3倍以上になると予測しています。米国では、化粧品と美容のeコマース売上は、米国全体の化粧品と美容の売上10%に対してeコマース13%と、米国全体の化粧品と美容の売上を上回る成長が見込まれています。 つまり、美容は他の小売業よりも速く成長し、美容eコマースは他の美容よりも速く成長しているのです。なぜ美容、特に美容eコマースが他の小売業よりも好調なのでしょうか? スカイさんからお話しください。
I think part of it is that beauty is still bouncing back from the pandemic in different ways. There was a lot of shift to beauty purchasing online during the past couple of years, and now I think the demand for shopping in stores is still rising. There are shifts in consumer tastes and needs. For now, more recently, for items, for going out, for makeup, color, cosmetics have been rebounding, and fragrance has been rebounding. So the category as a whole has been growing very quickly just because it's a category that sustained growth during the pandemic and then has continued to grow because there's just a lot of consumer interest.
その理由のひとつは、美容がさまざまな形でパンデミックから立ち直りつつあることだと思います。ここ2、3年の間に、オンラインでの美容品購入へのシフトが進みましたが、現在も店舗での買い物の需要は高まっていると思います。消費者の嗜好やニーズにも変化があります。 とりあえず、最近では、アイテム、外出用、メイクアップ、カラー、化粧品は回復してきていますし、フレグランスも回復してきています。パンデミック(新型コロナウィルスの世界的大流行)の時期にも成長を維持したカテゴリーであり、消費者の関心が高いために成長を続けているのです。
I think we talk a lot about the lipstick effect, which is really where even as other categories decline, the affordable luxuries of beauty and cosmetics are still indulged in by consumers. Where it's an area where because it's self-care related and when times are tough, shoppers are a little less willing to trade down or give up those indulgences. And they're not quite the same as indulgences in, like, say, grocery, where you're buying things so regularly that you really feel the price impact with beauty.
私たちは口紅効果についてよく話していると思います、 これは、他のカテゴリーが衰退しても、手頃な贅沢品である美容や化粧品は消費者にまだ愛用されており、セルフケアに関連する分野であるため、また厳しい時代であるため、買い物客はこうした贅沢品を買い控えたり、あきらめたりすることをあまり好まないということです。また、例えば、定期的にとても頻繁に購入するため価格高騰のインパクトを感じやすい食料品などとは異なった、別の嗜好品、贅沢品に美容品は、なるのです。
You're splurging maybe once a month, every other month for some people. So it's still pretty sustainable. And I think there's just a lot more interest from younger consumers as well. They're really driving a lot of growth in this market.
Sure, a $50 or $100 lipstick or thing of eye cream that feels like more of an investment in the self and also a smaller ticket indulgence than, say, a new TV.
And once people already bought TVs during the pandemic, so they don't need to replace those items as frequently. But if you got into like, say, a high-end skincare or skin cream during the pandemic, you might still want to buy that and continue buying that. And that's something you're going to place a lot more often.
Yeah, you run out of retinal faster than you run out of television. Karina, what does this trend look like in the UK? Is it similar?
Yes, we're seeing a similar trend in the UK. We don't have a cosmetic and beauty forecast for the UK. But we've got a health personal care and beauty forecast which shows that category sales will grow by 6.7% in 2023, which is faster than any other category and ahead of overall UK retail sales growth of 4.8%. And as in the US, we're seeing e-commerce sales in the category are growing even faster at 7.6%, and that versus a 0.6% dip in UK e-commerce sales this year.
We're hearing a lot of reports from retailers such as John Lewis and Boots that they're seeing an uplift in sales of affordable luxuries like lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, and really nice skincare ranges.
And there's been a couple of surveys which suggest that people are more likely to spend normally on health and beauty this year despite the cost of living crisis in the UK than they are in other categories.
Yeah, I think that also that pivot to skincare is really like keeping the category buoyant, right? Like even if people are buying fewer makeup products, they're still buying skincare. I think that's been a huge pivot, at least in the US with wellness.
ええ、スキンケアに軸足を移すことで、このカテゴリーを活気づけているのだと思います。たとえメイクアップ製品を買う人が減っても、スキンケアは買いますよね。 少なくともアメリカでは、ウェルネスが大きな軸になっていると思います。
Right. And skincare tends to sell at a much higher price point than color cosmetics. And it's an area where consumers are willing to, I think, indulge a bit more.
And there's just so much more interest and kind of demand for these high-end products where you even see very young consumers Gen Z buying skin creams that cost several hundred dollars and then, of course, looking for somewhat lower priced alternatives that might still be very pricey by standards from when I was a kid.
What's been really interesting here is I saw one survey which suggested that UK consumers are more likely to buy less beauty products than they are to choose to trade down in beauty products. So I think what we've seen is people still buying those really expensive premium products but then simplifying their beauty regime.
So they might be skipping the lip primer or they might be simplifying their skincare regime, but then they're really splashing out on those kind of more expensive products to go with it.
Sure. In talking more about Gen Z and those changes in trends, according to Tenuity, 45% of US beauty shoppers recall first hearing about beauty items via social media.
もちろん。 Tenuity によると、Z 世代とトレンドの変化について詳しく話すと、米国の美容品の買い物客の 45% が、美容アイテムについて最初にソーシャル メディアを通じて聞いたことを覚えています。
That makes it more useful for shopping than TV which was 30%, or in store displays which was 25%. Gen Z is specifically most likely to discover new products on TikTok, while US adults at large are more likely to find them on Facebook. So how is Gen Z and TikTok in particular changing beauty?
つまり、30% だったテレビや 25% だった店舗のディスプレイよりも、ソーシャル・メディアはショッピングに役立っているのです。 特にZ世代はTikTokで新製品を見つける可能性が最も高く、米国の成人全体ではFacebookが新製品を見つける可能性が高いソーシャル・メディアになています。 では、Z世代とTikTokは、特に美容品の市場をどのように変化させているのでしょうか?
I think here in the US there's been a huge impact in the shift from the previous main channels for beauty content which were YouTube and Instagram, which were really more the one to many channels where you had influencers and creators who were very invested in putting out their content.
ここ米国では、美容コンテンツの以前の主要なチャンネルである YouTube や Instagram からの移行が大きな影響を及ぼしていると思います。これらのチャンネルは、コンテンツの公開に多大な投資を行っているインフルエンサーやクリエイターが所属する 1 つのチャンネルから多チャンネルへの移行に多大な影響を与えています。
TikTok, because of its algorithms, makes trends kind of take off and these can be very specific trends around specific products or specific uses of products. And it's not just the big name influencers and creators that are participating, it kind of encourages a lot of participation from ordinary users to put in their reviews to give their two cents.
TikTok はそのアルゴリズムにより、ある種のトレンドを生み出し、特定の製品や製品の特定の用途に関する非常に特殊なトレンドになる可能性があります。 そして、参加しているのは有名なインフルエンサーやクリエイターだけではなく、2 セントを寄付するためにレビューを投稿する一般ユーザーの参加も奨励されています。
One of the trends I learned about while I was reading up for this recording was the TikTok skincare smoothie, which is apparently upsetting a lot of store associates in stores like Ulta because people are going to mix up their own concoctions and they're leaving a mess in stores.
この録音のために読んでいるときに私が知ったトレンドの 1 つは、TikTok スキンケア・ スムージーでした。これは、人々が自分で調合したものを混ぜ合わせたり、店内を混乱させたりするため、Ulta のような店舗で多くの店員を動揺させているようです。
But it's really around using multiple high-end products and creating a custom blend for one's face and then showing the results of what it does for one's skin. So there's a lot more experimentation and playfulness in the content and anything can go viral. And then I think some of the best brands and retailers are the ones that are able to look to those trends and then kind of get in on them and amplify them or make sure that they have the products available when consumers are looking for them.
しかし、実際には、複数のハイエンド製品を使用し、自分の顔に合わせてカスタムブレンドを作成し、それが自分の肌にどのような効果をもたらすかを示すことが重要です。 そのため、コンテンツにはより多くの実験と遊び心があり、何でもバイラルになる可能性があります。 そして、最高のブランドや小売店の中には、そうしたトレンドに注目して、それをうまく利用して拡大したり、消費者が探しているときに確実に商品を入手できるようにしたりできる人々(クリエイター)であると思います。
Make sure that their websites are optimized for the searches that are trending on TikTok and that they're able to fulfill that very rapid surge in demand that can come when products go viral.
TikTok でトレンドになっている検索に合わせて Web サイトが最適化されていること、また、商品が流行したときに起こる可能性のある急速な需要の急増に対応できることを確認してください。
Yeah, I think that's so important is making sure you're optimized for and prepared for when your product goes viral because it can happen really quickly and it can happen with smaller businesses, less known products.
That old guard of YouTube influencers, Instagram influencers, definitely still exists on YouTube and on TikTok as well. But I think TikTok's a lot more crowded because the barrier to entry is a lot easier. You can film yourself getting ready so easily as compared to a YouTube video, which you may have to stitch together.
YouTube のインフルエンサー、Instagram インフルエンサーの古いクリエイターは、YouTube や TikTok にも間違いなく存在します。 しかし、TikTokは参入障壁がはるかに簡単なので、より混雑していると思います。 つなぎ合わせる必要がある YouTube 動画と比較して、準備をしている自分自身を非常に簡単に撮影できます。
I think what's interesting as well is I don't know if it's the same case in the US, but I imagine it is in the UK, people are a bit wary now of these kind of beauty collaborations with big name influencers and celebrities. They've got a bit kind of there's been too many of them, they're a bit cynical that perhaps something's being pushed on them.
興味深いのは、米国でも同じかどうかはわかりませんが、おそらく英国ではだと思いますが、人々は今、この種の有名インフルエンサーやセレブリティとのビューティーコラボレーションに対して少し警戒しているということです。 彼らは、あまりにも多すぎるという感じで、おそらく何かが自分たちに押し付けられているのではないかと少し冷笑的です。
And I think what TikTok does really nicely is that kind of peer-to-peer marketing, it feels much more like a community recommendation so people are much more open to then trying those products.
Right. In the US we've seen the trend of de-influencing, which really took off with beauty and influencers who want to be more honest, more authentic, by telling you when a product isn't good, isn't worth the money, as well as telling you which ones are worth the money.
And that really gets to the heart of social channels like TikTok in providing trusted recommendations and reviews, which is especially important in a space like Beauty, where it's so crowded, there are so many products, it's hard to go online if you're just looking at a website.
そしてそれはTikTokのようなソーシャルチャンネルの核心を突いています。信頼できる推奨事項やレビューを提供することは、美容業界のような分野では特に重要です。なぜなら、美容品は、非常に混雑しており、商品が非常に多いため、Web サイトを見ているだけではオンラインにアクセスするのが困難だからです。
If you're just browsing around on Amazon, you have to kind of know what you're looking for. And platforms like TikTok, with their feed, with their algorithms, you can search the hashtags, you can see what's trending, they make it a lot easier to discover and get valuable information and educational content around products.
Amazon をただ閲覧しているだけなら、何を探しているのかある程度知っておく必要があります。 TikTok のようなプラットフォームでは、フィードやアルゴリズムを使用して、ハッシュタグを検索したり、何がトレンドになっているかを確認したりすることができ、製品に関する貴重な情報や教育コンテンツを発見して入手することがはるかに簡単になります。
And I think that we're also seeing in this kind of age of inflation, certainly in the UK, lots of TikTok is being used to kind of find those affordable products and those affordable alternatives. So there are hashtags like budget beauty and makeup dupes. We're seeing them trending on TikTok because they're really people sharing their own tips on how to kind of reduce prices for your beauty regime.
そして、この種のインフレ時代において、確かに英国では、手頃な価格の製品や手頃な代替品を見つけるために多くの TikTok が使用されているのも見ていると思います。 そのため、低予算の美容やメイクアップのデュープ(偽物、バッタもの)などのハッシュタグが存在します。 彼らがTikTokでトレンドになっているのは、実際に美容法の価格を下げる方法について独自のヒントを共有している人々だからです。
Right. I think part of that is kind of the impact of the bigger TikTok trend or social trends around beauty, where there's huge interest in these very high-end beauty brands.
そうですね。TikTokの大きなトレンドや美容にまつわるソーシャル・トレンドの影響もあると思います、 このような超高級美容ブランドへの関心が非常に高いのです。
But at the same time, now that budgets are being squeezed, people are looking for their more affordable alternatives and looking for dupes and looking to save where they can.
So maybe instead of $300 beauty cream, they can buy one that's $100 or $50.