”Everything you need to know about your emotions” (自分の感情について知っておくべきすべてのこと)
4:25~ 【司会のレスターさん】We turned out to a very special segment. May is mental health awareness month and this month Sesame Street is kicking off a multi-year emotional well-being initiative, a commitment to help kids learn how to understand and manage their feelings. Let's put our hands together and welcome Rosita and Ji Young from Sesame Street. This is so cool. I've never met you. Tell me about yourself.
【ロジータ】 Nice to meet you. My name is, Rosita, la Monstrua de las Cuevas. That's my full name. You can say it five times altogether. You know what, I live on Sesame Street, but originally I am from Mexico. So, my first language is Spanish, espanol.
【もう一人のセサミのマペット、ジヨン】Oh yeah that's so much fun. Thanks for bringing us back. Uh hello my name is Ji-Young. I am seven years old. I am a proud Korean American and I live on Sesame Street and I love to rock out on my guitar.
【レスターさん】All right. And I have heard her play. She really rocks out. So tell me you you've got different people. Tell me about feelings. And how you guys cope with feelings.
6:01~ 【ジヨン】Yeah well you know, big feelings. It's something we all have, I get a Rosita has them. I bet even Mr Lester and all our friends at home have big feelings.
【ジヨン】Me, too. me too. you know Mr Lester sometimes I get nervous feelings too. Like, like say on the first day of school, when I don't know what to expect.
6:57~【レスターさん】So what message would you share with kids to help them deal with their feelings, their sad days and their Happy Days and all the days in between?
<補足>”there are a lot of ways to deal with big feelings.”(高ぶった気持ちを抑えるには、いっぱいいろいろな方法があるよ)は、なかなか意味が深いですね。例えば、現実の社会では学校の勉強とは違って『答えは1つじゃないよ』っていう、そういう感じのこのアドバイスの背景にあるアメリカっぽい考え方、これもある意味、「多様性」から生まれる発想なのかもしれませんが、そういう前向きさを感じられる気がします。
【ロジータ】 Ah, my favorite ones are, uh uh dancing. Putting some music...
【ロジータ】 その中でも、ボクが好きなのは、えーと、ダンスを踊ること。音楽をかけてね。
【レスターさん】Do you like to dance?
【ロジータ】 Yeah, I love to dance with you. I like to shake my feelings...
【レスターさん】I, I tell you something. I like to dance, too. I'm usually shy about it though.
【ロジータ】 Oh well, then we shall be dancing one day.
【ロジータ】 じゃぁ、いつかみんなでダンスしましょう。
【レスターさん】I'd love that
【ロジータ】 yeah but you know music is very important for me and exercise. so those are my favorite ones and also one thing that calms me down is, I I have a little jar that uh Abby kadabi made for me, and I shake it and I look at the glitter and that really helps me calm down.
【ジヨン】 oh well you know something I learned how to do it is belly breathing exercises and there's one that's my favorite it's called the "volcano bread". you want to try it with me?
【ジヨン】yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay no and everyone in the audience they can try it too
【レスターさん】okay okay
【ジヨン】so sometimes when we have big feelings. it can feel like, there's hot bubbling lava inside of it. So put your hands together in front of your chest.
【ジヨン】yeah yeah yeah okay and then you breathe in through your nose.
【ロジータ】 hahaha. sorry I have allergies
【ロジータ】 ズズズーーーー。ごめん、アレルギーがあるのよ。
【ジヨン】 oh my.
【ロジータ】 can I let it out?
【ロジータ】 息をはきだしてもいい?
【ジヨン】 yeah. I slowly arms up oh and then the hot lava is rising up and out and then breathe breathe out through your mouth as you move your arms down, and that's the love of flowing down to the ground
【レスターさん】well you have quite the wingspan there wow
【ロジータ】 yeah I have wings
【ロジータ】 うん、翼があるの
【ジヨン】yeah amazing how do you do right now mister you know
【レスターさん】first of all I feel calmer being with friends and people who are nice and caring and they make no it's great to have people like you come on and then you know share your stories